Thursday 18 March 2010

It's fudge dear but not as we know it!

Well, after hoovering up the savoury potato cakes we were ready for something sweet! This is after all a baking group first and foremost so sugar and sweetness is never far from our greedy little minds! Paul had arrived as usual with a tupperware bursting full of goodies. He nipped into the kitchen announcing 'I need some assembly time'! When he emerged there were gasps all round, not only because his little sweet nibbles were displayed on Harry's new cake stand (more about that in another post) but also because he had made not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 different sweety things for us to sample! I just loosened another notch on my belt and accepted my fate for the evening...death by sugar!
So, the first one to try was on the bottom tier and it was a dark chocolate fudge. Not fudge as we know it but an altogether much easier version. Paul has no confidence in his own abilities but I've said it before and will keep on saying it...he knows his stuff! Well we named them Paul's Velvet Fudge as this is exactly how it was...dark, luxurious, smooth with an amazing depth of flavour without being overpowering. Yum! Here's a wee pic and the recipe.
Paul's Velvet Fudge
200g plain chocolate
300g condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Pop it all in a pan and heat over a low heat stirring continuously with a wooden spoon.
When smooth and velvety pour into a tin to set and cut into squares when cool. Store in an airtight container in the fridge until ready to eat!
I say easy peasy - another one for me to try!
The next 3 truffles went by in a haze for me as I was still enjoying the fudge but I am well assured that they were equally delicious filled with coconut and juicy glace cherries. They were duly named Paul's Tropical Truffles AKA Paul's Cabana Balls as we all fondly remembered the retro coconut and cherry chocolate bar. He had coated them in 3 different coatings and here is the recipe. 
Paul's Tropical Truffles

75g Condensed milk
Icing Sugar
Desiccated Coconut
Glace Cherries
White Chocolate
Coconut, Chocolate Sprinkes, Chocolate Strands
  • Pour the condensed milk into a bowl, add sieved Icing Sugar and mix through.  Add coconut and chopped cherries.
  • Mix to a firm consistency – keep adding icing sugar until correct consistency is reached. 
  • Pull off some mixture and roll into balls, then dip in the white chocolate (melted in a bowl). Then roll in the desired coating and leave to set.
Well done Paul as always they looked stunning and tasted magic! If anyone tries this yummy recipe, please let us know or even take a photo for us and send it to the group at Hot, Sweet ad Yummy by clicking this email link.
Love Hot, Sweet and Yummy xxx

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