Wednesday 17 March 2010

Meeting 3 and Slovakian potato cakes!

OOh its so exciting to be back blogging about cakes again following the third meeting of the Hot, Sweet and Yummy baking group. I can't believe how quickly the time passes between each meeting. We all look forward to each meeting with a shared sense of dread, excitement and hungry anticipation! None of us are very confident about our baking skills but we all give it our best and hope we've improved since the last meeting. The third meeting was no exception and we were all doubly excited because we had changed the format slightly. Firstly, Jan was making something savoury to start with. We all discovered that we weren't eating tea before the meetings so we could save room for the cakes but this had its down side in that we all felt quite hyperglycaemic after a couple of tastings. So we thought starting with something savoury would help to combat this. Secondly, the theme was Indulgence to celebrate the end of Lent (well almost) so everyone had free reign to decide what indulgence meant to them. Thirdly, Harry and Fee were having a carrot cake-off. They had both been sent different carrot cake recipes so thought it a good idea to make one each and see what everyone thought. More about this later!
Anyhoo, the meeting commenced with the usual glass of bubbly and we all welcomed Grace as our newest member. Apologies were sent from Jan who had to work late and although we were bitterly disappointed that he wasn't there, we were all somewhat relieved that he had sent over the savoury course as promised! Fee was the hostess with the mostess and kicked off the meeting when suddenly Richard's phone trilled loudly. Richard is a high flying executive and never misses a call so he answered of course. It was Jan! He had managed to finish early and was on his way after all  - phew! We could all enjoy his savouries guilt free. We did however, very selfishly start without him! 
The potato cakes that Jan had prepared looked big, delicious and like something that we all wanted badly. He had made three different varieties..two were meaty and one was veggie for Paul. Jan is very considerate we all agreed. Everyone grabbed a bit of cake and got stuck in. I tasted all three and have to say they were really yummy. There were plenty of oohs and aaahs from round the table so I think we can safely say they were hitting the right spot! Two were a potato cake and one was a herby bread affair but all three were to die for.  I wish Jan could have been there at that point but we did congratulate when he finally arrived.  David also discovered that the outer crusts of the bread made a nice wee palate cleanser in between cake sampling but I suspect this was just another cunning way to scoff more of Jan's savouries. I don't think anyone will be surprised to hear that we don't as yet have any recipes from Jan. I suspect that Jan is checking with the 'potato cake bureau' back home in Bratislava to make sure these aren't state guarded secrets! I will of course post a picture of them in the meantime and then add the recipe when it filters through! 
Jan - your potato cakes and herby bread were gorgeous as ever. Well done and we were all so glad you made it after all. Next meeting, Jan is holding a sugar craft and cake decorating masterclass - what fun! He is very inspired by Fiona Cairns, the baking lady who supplies Harrods, Selfridges and Waitrose amongst other fine establishments.  I cannot wait to see what he'll show us but be assured there will be lots of lovely photographs of the session. Anyway, here are a couple of yummy shots of Jan's potato cakes and Jan's herby bread! Enjoy!
Love Hot, Sweet and Yummy xxx

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