Wednesday 17 March 2010

The Mmmmometer!

We have a new invention! Not only are we a fabulously delicious baking group but we are now pioneering scientists with startling new ideas of how to measure yumminess! The Mmmmmometer is a wonderful way to tell people how sweet and yummy their baking is. In fact its the perfect gauge for anything you fancy! Our Mmmmometer is apparent at every meeting and Harry is working on a physical prototype for future meetings! He will be inspired by John Snow's Swingometer he thinks so we can't wait to see it. Anyone can have and use just eat something yummy and let the Mmmmmmms flow! Go on, try it! The louder and longer, the better.
Oh and here's a wee pic of the lovely John Snow with his Swingometer! 

Love Hot, Sweet and Yummy xxx

1 comment:

  1. Harry Emambocus21 March 2010 at 00:03

    I have to get my thinking cap on! Don't worry, I'll produce something appropriate to measure mmmmms at the next meeting! Harry
